Sunday, May 31, 2009

A different perspective on contract law

Hey all,

If any of you process information the same way that I do, describing the same topics in slightly different ways sometimes gives a better overall understanding of a subject. I found this website about contract law that lays out the basics in the same manner as the notes and textbook but uses slightly different examples as a way to hammer home some of the more important material. So if anyone wants a chance to beef up their knowledge about contract law check out this website.

- Matt Della Rocca

Saturday, May 30, 2009

Here are some youtube videos on contract law

I thought these were kind of cute and informative. They relate to chapter seven.

Sotomayor's Previous Decisions on Key Business Issues

Sotomayor's Previous Decisions on Key Business Issues

President Obama recently nominated Sonia Sotomayor to replace Justice David Souter of the U.S. Supreme court upon his retirement in June.

Sotomayor currently servess on the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 2nd Circuit as Circuit Judge. (Active 1998-Present).

The linked article highlights some of Sotomayor's track record on decisions regarding Business laws and issues.

Friday, May 29, 2009

Here's Our Blog!

Blog away folks. You should contribute a comment, article link, video link etc at least once a week. The posting must relate to Business Law.