Friday, July 3, 2009

Seven banks fail, pushing 2009 tally to 52

This article talks about the most recent banks that have failed this year in the US. While larger banks are getting are getting bailouts, local banks are struggling in this economy.

Thursday, July 2, 2009

Banks keep increasing interest rates before credit card law is in effect

This article talks about how banks continue to raise the interest rates for clients who continue to be late on payments. It explains how this is unjust because the banks are taking advantage of their ability to increase their revenues before the new law, passed by the Obama administration goes into effect. The credit card reform bill passed by Obama puts restrictions on the changes banks can make to the fees they can charge their card holders. I agree that it is unfair that banks are taking advantage of the situation by raising interest rates especially since times are so hard for people right now.

Banks keep increaing interest rates before credit card law is in effect

This article talks about how banks continue to raise the interest rates for clients who continue to be late on payments. It explains how this is unjust because the banks are taking advantage of their ability to increase their revenues before the new law, passed by the Obama administration goes into effect. The credit card reform bill passed by Obama puts restrictions on the changes banks can make to the fees they can charge their card holders. I agree that it is unfair that banks are taking advantage of the situation by raising interest rates especially since times are so hard for people right now.

Johnson & Johnson vs. Wyeth

J&J and Wyeth are going head to head right now trying to win consumers over. Since the FDA recommended the dosage of acetaminophen to be reduced in Tylenol, Wyeth is swarming in to promote more sales for Advil. The companies are leading competitors. The important factor is the FDA watching the dosages and warning labels on medications to protect consumers.

Implied Warranty Article

This is an article I found on discussing implied warranty and strict liability. It directly relates to chapter 17 of our textbook.

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Equality or Equity?

I feel that the individual best suited for a job should be the one to get it. It does not make sense to pass over any individual in favor of one from a different religion, race, sex et cetera (at least not on the basis of one of the aforementioned criteria). Testing in the workplace is fine as long as it is not part of a program of discrimination. Discrimination--in terms of racism, sexism and the like--limits the economy. It precludes capable people on the basis of factors that do not necessarily affect their jobs.
A story from the Wall Street Journal.

Tightening Regulations over Tobacco Companies

There are always new regulations being put over tobacco companies these days, but for good reason. There are new laws coming into effect that will further tighten the regulations.

Bank of America accused of anti-consumer practices

Bank of America accused of anti-consumer practices

People, who said they were former Bank of America employees, alleged that their supervisors drove them to burden consumers with needless debt and fees, to fatten the bank's earnings and the paychecks of senior executives, and threatened to retaliate if they complained. Some complained their salaries had been too low and that they had to hit quotas.