Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Bank of America accused of anti-consumer practices

Bank of America accused of anti-consumer practices

People, who said they were former Bank of America employees, alleged that their supervisors drove them to burden consumers with needless debt and fees, to fatten the bank's earnings and the paychecks of senior executives, and threatened to retaliate if they complained. Some complained their salaries had been too low and that they had to hit quotas.


  1. wow, nothing like kicking the consumer when he is down, these banks and credit card companies got away with these tactics for years. Hopefully more people will come foward and bring about reform.

  2. I don't know too much about this, but I would be wary.

  3. ha, i used to be a member of bank of america before switching to pnc for practical reasons. I had no idea about this, guess i got lucky.
