Thursday, June 11, 2009

No smoking: Vote could bring new limits

Finally the government does something right when it comes to the tobacco companies. I agree that they should not advertise their "cancer sticks" and prodcuts so freely to our children. I think that there would be less forms of cancer if smoking never existed. Perhaps that may or may not be true but that's my thought on the vote.


  1. I think this legislation can be useful. However, I feel that the real problem is not the product on store shelve or the images on T.V. screens; it is in American homes. Parents ought to be educating their children about the risks and danger of smoking. Hiding it from children, teens, or anyone for that matter will not solve anything. All but two living adult members of my family smoke. I do not and only one of my younger sisters does--our parents made sure we knew that just because they smoke, it's not necessarily a good idea.

    Also, something I've seen in other countries that might be useful in the U.S.A is giant, scary warning labels on individual packs of cigarettes. Who knows, it might help.
    Check one out at the above URL.

  2. I believe society is changing. when I was a kid my parents both smoked and my two older brothers smoked along with uncles and cousins. At this point in my life I dont think there is a single person in my family that smokes.
