Tuesday, June 16, 2009

The Tobacco Bill

This seems a little fishy to me. I'm not saying smoking is good but it's become a scapegoat and a distraction from the crap economy. This bill looks like a way to create a monopoly and it messes with a lot of things: the First Amendment, commercial speech, competition. Has anyone ever heard of laissez faire?


  1. I think the Tobacco Bill maybe a good thing. Even though I don't smoke, almost everyone of my friends do except for two and i think it's disgusting. I think the government should create laws against banning smoking and etc. In the long run it only creates medical issues decades down the line.

  2. You're right. But how far should the government be allowed to go? We could see another Prohibition era--not that it worked all that well. I understand that smoking is not good for you, but shouldn't people be allowed to choose what to do with and to their bodies? It's not healthy to overeat, should the government stop food advertising and food-related festivals, put an age requirement on the purchase of certain types of food--heck, on all foods? Just because something isn't good for people doesn't mean the right to do that thing should be infringed upon.

  3. food hasn't been proven to cause cancer in the person sitting next to you while you eat it.

  4. If you don't like the smoke, leave.

  5. I can see both sides to this. Smoking is proven to have a negative effect on peoples health, even if only second hand. Allowing bans on smoking would be overall benificial to the health of smokers, and the people around them. However, infringing upon the right people have had to smoke seems like goverment is stepping over boundaries.

  6. I dont think anyone in the government is talking about banning smoking. while it may seem like a logical conclusion there is no political backbone to do it so this is sort of a slippery-slope argument that people bring up.

    the facts are that smoking causes a burden on the society in the effect it has on people's health and so taxing it to support that burden is not unreasonable. If we knew nothing about cigarettes and some young entrepeneur introduced it as a product they would never make it on the market. It would be like putting asbestos in Children's toys...oh...they did that.
