Sunday, June 14, 2009



  1. They need to tell the absolute truth and lay out the facts about illegal immigration, not distorted propaganda. First we are talking about illegal immigration not--LEGAL--not just anybody who illegally sneaks across a purposely open border. If Americans want to uncover the real truth, they need to go in such websites as NUMBERSUSA, JUDICIALWATCH, CAPSWEB, UNIPAC. To read about the illegal alien criminal activities and ominous news AMERICAN PATROL will open all eyes? You will--NOT--find the honest facts about the illegal immigration invasion in most press releases as its generally hidden from the public. Even our government doesn't inform the American worker of the facts?

    For years they have estimated that 11 million are here and taken jobs legal labor won't do. READ ABOUT CHAIN MIGRATION, sponsored families moving here that--YOU--eventually pay for. Learn that the border fence is not the true length, that it's limited because of intentional underfunded and single tier. Learn about the true cost in supporting the legal and illegal immigrants. Learn about the deceptive guest worker programs, engineered by unscrupulous attorneys. Learn about the rampant criminal activities that has been spiraling, that our police cannot control. Read about the politicians who are open border, free traders who want no limit on immigrants of any kind--and should be ejected from public office.

    The truth is that illegal immigrants have filtered into white and blue collar jobs. They are managers, roofer's and many jobs that Americans--WILL DO-- and now are numbering around 20 million plus. These anti-illegal immigration, pro-sovereignty, overpopulation organization--ARE NOT--financially backed by the business world, but by ordinary people? Yet pro-illegal immigration, even radical groups are backed with grants, appropriated from you the taxpayer or from private foundations like Ford. Even our own politicians have conspired against the jobless American worker and families, by giving grants to all these anti-sovereignty participants.

    Enforce the 1986 Simpson/Mazzoli bill, the Immigration Reform & Control Act as enacted. Offer your support to Rep.Shuler (D-NC) on his website. Phone: 828-252-1651 and Senator Sessions (R-AL) (256) 533-0979
    The majority party in office are confederates that include Senator Harry Reid (D-NV), speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) Homeland Security Chief Napolitano and a cesspool of legislators have triumphed in reducing the influence of E-Verify, Real ID Act and police enforcement and detainment law (287(g) to arrest illegal aliens and criminals. Senator Sessions and in addition Rep.Shuler, the author of E-Verify and the revised Save Act have a unceasing battle coming.

  2. Appropriations Committee Votes to Give Stimulus Jobs to Illegal Aliens. Three separate E-Verify amendments failed to pass through the House Appropriations Committee earlier today. Two amendments were introduced by Rep. Jack Kingston and another by Rep. Ken Calvert. E-Verify should be a permanent tool, and everybody on the payroll must be identified as legal.

    You would think with the massive angry outcry about using E-Verify, politicians would be weary of voters in the next re-election. But--NO--35 members voted not to verify all employees and new hires through the E-Verify system. This weakens the 2008 executive order requiring all government contractors to use E-Verify. Go to NUMBERSUSA to learn the names who voted negatively against E-Verify
